Adapted by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia[1] I forgot to separate Hallah before Shabbat from the bread that I baked. What should I do? Am I permitted to separate Hallah on Shabbat? The Shulhan Aruch (OH 339:4) writes that one is not permitted to separate Terumot and Ma’asrot (various tithes) on Shabbat. Included in this prohibition is separating Hallah. The Mishna Berura (261:4) explains … [Read more...]
Electricity on Yom Tov
A Parasha & Halacha Audio Shiur on Parashat Emor, By Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Rosh Kollel LINK, Los Angeles … [Read more...]
A Helping Hand
Giving Tzedakka to Shul Solicitors By Rav Yehonatan Sasportas Q: Am I required to contribute to a poor man soliciting funds in shul if I wasn't personally asked for a donation or if I am in the middle of my Tefilla? A: The Mitzvah of Tzedakka comprises both a negative and a positive commandment. The Torah (Devarim 15, 7-8) says “Lo Te'ametz” – “you shall not harden your … [Read more...]
Practical Kabbala: Is it Allowed?
Based on a Shiur by Rav Avraham Y. Cohen, Rosh Kollel Ohel Yitzhak, Lakewood While Kabbala generally refers to the study and understanding of the various traits of Hashem, it is possible that certain elements of Kabbala can be used to defy the laws of nature. Although this is rarely seen today, the notion of using the Names of Hashem in this manner may have been more common in … [Read more...]
Might as Well…
Are you allowed to use an item that you intend to return? By Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald As we discussed in previous articles, sometimes the buyer has the right to return an item to the seller while, at times, it may be subject to the seller’s discretion. An important discussion regarding an item that is bound for return as it was a Mekah Ta’ut – a mistaken purchase – pertains to … [Read more...]