Waiting between meat and milk By Rabbi Ariel Ovadia[1] The Gemara in Hullin[2] relates that the great sage, Mor ‘Ukva, would bemoan that his piety is like vinegar compared to that of his father, which was like wine. Whereas his father would not eat dairy on a day that he would eat meat, Mor ‘Ukva would only wait until the following meal before eating dairy. The Rambam and … [Read more...]
Welcome Aboard! Part 2
Halachic Considerations of Hiring: Employee Compensation & Minhag HaMedina By Dayan Yehoshua Wolfe In our last article, we discussed the differences between a “S’chir Yom” – day laborer – referred to in American law as an “employee”, and a “Po’el Kablan” – a contractor – referred to in American law as an “independent contractor”. In this article, we will discuss the … [Read more...]
Kosher Cheese
A Parasha & Halacha Audio Shiur by Rav Mordechai Lebhar / BeMidbar 5777 … [Read more...]
Welcome Aboard!
The Halachic Considerations of Hiring - Part 1 By Dayan Yehoshua Wolfe As giddy graduates enter the workforce, employers are not only tasked with finding the best match for their businesses, but also with determining how to structure their employment. Parashat Behar is a most fitting time to discuss employment-related issues, as the Torah issues the guiding principle of … [Read more...]
Last Minute Job
A Parasha & Halacha Audio Shiur for Parashat Behar-Behukotai 5777, by Dayan Shlomo Cohen … [Read more...]