Adapted from a shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald The leaven that left A man we’ll call David was traveling two months ago with whiskey in his luggage. The airline lost the bag. Weeks went by. Pessah came and went. Last week the suitcase, invigorated from having traveled the world, was delivered to his home. May he drink the whiskey? Hachamim (Pessahim 29) forbade … [Read more...]
Bais HaVaad Halacha Journal For Pesach
Click below links to download the PDF version of our Halacha Journal: Print the Pessah PDF Print the 2 Page Shul Version … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha
Meseches Bechoros Introduction Daf 2 Daf 3 Daf 4 Daf 5 Daf 6 Daf 7 Daf 8 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Q: Can one use toothpaste, lipstick, or medicines which may have a Hametz ingredient on Pessah? Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinhasi A: Anything that is unsuitable for the consumption of a dog prior to Pessah, may be kept in one’s possession but is nevertheless forbidden to eat MiD’Rabbanan[1]. With regards to toothpaste, lipstick and the like, since one does not intend on … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
THANKING THE LENDER May the borrower thank the lender for the loan? May he greet him warmly upon meeting him in the street? Does it make any difference if he thanked or greeted him during the life of the loan or afterward? As discussed in the previous chapter, Hachamim forbade the borrower to perform favors for the lender, even where there is no financial value to the … [Read more...]