Shiur Halacha for Parashat VaYikra 5778 by Dayan Shlomo Cohen, Badatz Ahavat Shalom, Yerushalaim Shiur Outline: Paying Up … [Read more...]
In the Final Hour…
Can a Kohen be in contact with a Goses? By Rabbi Ariel Ovadia Introduction This week we read about the impurity one contracts from the dead. While most Jews are allowed to contract Tum’ah (impurity) and are sometimes even commanded to do so (to bury the dead etc.)[1], Kohanim are generally prohibited from contracting Tum’at Met (the impurity of the dead) from a dead body, … [Read more...]
Work of the Mind: Melechet Mahshevet on Shabbat
Shiur Halacha on Parashat VaYakhel-Pekude 5778 by Dayan Yosef Greenwald SHC Work of the Mind OUTLINE … [Read more...]
Drink Responsibly
Shiur Halacha on Parashat Tetzave~Zachor 5778 by Rabbi Chaim Naftali PDF Outline: שיכור שהזיק מראה מקומות … [Read more...]
Poor on Purim
Matanot La’Evyonim FAQ’s By Rav Mordechai Lebhar, Posek for the SHC and Rosh Kollel LINK, Los Angeles Q: How much do I have to give for Matanot La’Evyonim? A: Ribbi Yaakov Haim Benaim, one of the great sages of Morocco in the 18th century, in his work Zera Yaakov (§11) is the common source quoted regarding this question. Following a lengthy discussion, he finds support in … [Read more...]