By Rabbi Yitzchok Basser Repentance is a central theme of the Yamim Noraim, and an appropriate time to make amends. Here we will explore the obligations of an individual who shoplifted in younger years, and now would like to make things right. That he has to return the value of the item stolen is a given. The question is: Is it sufficient to anonymously return the value … [Read more...]
Risky Business: Must Professional Lifesavers Risk Their Lives?
Adapted from a Shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald Broward County, Florida sheriff’s deputy Scot Peterson was assigned to protect Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. When a former student entered the school in February and began a murderous rampage, Deputy Peterson didn’t intervene and remained safely outside the building. Other deputies who arrived on the scene during … [Read more...]
Selling Hametz Online
May one sell their Hametz online? Adapted from a Shiur by Dayan Shmuel Honigwachs To answer this question, let us begin with a brief overview of the standard Mechirat Hametz procedure. THE MINHAG OF A COMMUNAL SALE The Minhag of a Hametz sale originated in Europe, where many ran Hametz-based businesses such as taverns. Disposing of the Hametz would be a very difficult … [Read more...]
Crash & Burn: Destroying Your Hametz
Shiur Halacha for Parashat Tzav 5778 by Rabbi Ariel Ovadia, the Sephadic Halacha Center Shiur Outline: שיעור בהלכות פסח … [Read more...]
Reading the Label
Relying on Pessah Lists for Sepharadim By Rabbi Mordechai Lebhar Q: Can Sepharadim safely assume that food products that contain Kitniyot (legumes) derivatives such as corn syrup, corn alcohol, etc. and no Hametz are Kosher for Passover without any certification? A: Generally, Sepharadim do not follow the Ashkenazic practice of avoiding Kitniyot (legumes) on Pessah … [Read more...]