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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Nitzavim
Masechet Menachot: Daf 28: Daf 29: Daf 30: Daf 31: Daf 32: Daf 33: Daf 34: … [Read more...]
A Matter of Interest: The Laws of Ribbit The Severity of the Prohibition
By HaRav David Grossman, Rosh Bet HaVaad WHAT IS RIBBIT? The Torah prohibits borrowers and lenders from entering into a loan transaction with a fellow Jew that includes an interest obligation (VaYikra 25:35-36, Devarim 23:20, Shemot 22:24). Even if the loan was already illicitly made, it is further prohibited to follow through and actually pay or receive ribbit. In … [Read more...]
Nitzavim – Monetary Teshuva: Making Right, on the Money
Bet HaVaad on the Parsha: Nitzavim Highlights of a Shiur by Dayan Shlomo Cohen If Rosh Hashana is the Yom Hadin, what then is the judgment we face after death? Suppose a man dies a month after Rosh HaShana. Is he judged in the Bet Din Shel Ma'ala only on his deeds of the last month? The Sefarim explain that judgment with regard to eternal reward takes place after we … [Read more...]
Pressed for Wine: Weekly Questions
I bought a small wooden wine press at a garage sale. It crushes about 2 gallons of grapes at a time. Does this need to be kashered? Maran in Shulhan Aruch (YD 138:1) writes that a used wine press requires kashering. This process is referred to as a niguv (wiping). The Shulhan Aruch (YD 138:10) describes this process as follows: One wipes down the surface with ashes, … [Read more...]