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Daf Yomi Topics for Parashat Lech Lecha
Masechet Menachos Daf 70: Daf 71: Daf 72: Daf 73: Daf 74: Daf 75 Daf 76: … [Read more...]
One Hundred Berachot – Part 2: The Nature of the Obligation
Introduction The exact nature of the obligation to recite one-hundred Berachot a day is a matter of debate. While the origin of this obligation certainly indicates that it is a rabbinic enactment, there are those who maintain that it is a Torah obligation (perhaps a Halacha L’Moshe MiSinai – a law that was communicated orally to Moses at Sinai. Such laws, while unrecorded … [Read more...]
Ribbit in Unexpected Places
Avissar Family Ribbis Initiative Many common financial transactions involve Ribbit, so pitfalls abound for the unaware. Following are some common business activities that can, depending on the circumstances, constitute ribbit. • COSIGNING: Cosigning on a loan or car lease, even where the lender isn’t Jewish or is a publicly-traded financial institution. • CREDIT … [Read more...]
Above & Beyond – Going Beyond the Letter of the Law
A Shiur Halacha by Dayan Shlomo Cohen on Parashat Lech Lecha Avraham excelled in the Middah of Hessed: lovingkindness. Yitzhak excelled in the Middah of Pahad: fear of G-d. It is interesting to note, that although Yitzhak grew up in the house of Avraham, he nevertheless excelled in his own Middah and didn’t just copy his father’s traits (similarly, Yaakov’s main trait is … [Read more...]