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Daf Yomi in Halacha Parshat Hukkat
Eirchin 26- 32 Daf 26 Daf 27 Daf 28 Daf 29 Daf 30 Daf 31 Daf 32 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
I’m going on a trip and I don’t have a proper Netilat Yadayim cup. Can I use a disposable cup? The halacha requires that one use a keli (vessel) for Netilat Yadayim. The Poskim differ as to whether a disposable cup (such as a paper cup, or plastic bottle) is acceptable. Igrot Moshe (OC 4:39) ruled that one should not use a disposable cup for kiddush because kiddush requires … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
BEFRIENDING WITH INTENTION TO BORROW A rich man moves into the neighborhood with his family and obviously makes many friends. May one befriend him with the intention of borrowing from him in the future? May a neighbor give the man a housewarming present so that he will agree to lend him money tomorrow? If he did give presents, but learned that there is a … [Read more...]
Teshuva for Shoplifting
By Rabbi Yitzchok Basser Q: In his teenage years, someone shoplifted from a store owned by a family friend. He wants to make amends. Is it sufficient to anonymously return the value of the item stolen, or must he take the difficult step of identifying himself and asking mehila. A: It is preferable to ask mehila, but he is not required to do so. In a case of … [Read more...]