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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parashat Haye Sara
Maseches Menachos: Daf 84: Daf 85: Daf 86: Daf 87: Daf 88: Daf 89: Daf 90: … [Read more...]
Tefillin of Rabbenu Tam: Laws & Concepts
A Parasha & Halacha Shiur by Rav Mordechai Lebhar One of the most famous disagreements in Halacha is that of Rashi and Rabbenu Tam about the order of the Parashiyot in the Tefillin. This is already an older disagreement, cited in the Rambam’s Teshuvot (there are lengthy discussions as to what the other Rishonim hold). According to Rashi they are placed in the order in … [Read more...]
Recovering Nazi Bounty
By Dayan Shlomo Cohen The US Government recently publicized efforts it is taking to facilitate the return of a painting stolen by the Nazis in WWII to its original Jewish heirs. Over the years, the US Senate has attempted to pass laws making it easier for the victims of plundering by the Nazi's to regain their stolen property, and this raises a fundamental question for Batei … [Read more...]
Auditory Learning: May a Jew Work for the IRS?
By Rav Yitzhak Grossman “I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.” Mesira—the enabling of hostile actors to seize property of, or cause harm to, Jews—is a serious Aveira. A number of Poskim have discussed the propriety of a Jew working as a tax auditor, in which capacity he may discover and then be obligated to report Jewish malfeasance, causing the perpetrator to … [Read more...]