A Parasha and Halacha Audio Shiur on Parashat Toledot by Dayan Shlomo Cohen In this week’s Parasha we read about the selling of the firstborn rights by Esav to Yaakov. Our Sages debate whether one can sell something that doesn’t exist, and will only come to existence in the future (Davar SheLo Ba La’Olam). According to Ribbi Akiva this is possible, whereas according to … [Read more...]
Jews and Money: A Match Made in Heaven
By Rabbi Tzvi Price There is no way out of it. For better or for worse, correctly or incorrectly, Jews have always been associated with wealth. In truth, Judaism and wealth go back a long way. The first Jew, Avraham Avinu, was fabulously wealthy. As the Pasuk states (Bereshit 13,2): “And Avram was very heavy with livestock, silver and gold.” In this week’s … [Read more...]
A Trail of Two Cities: Tefilas Haderech in Suburban Driving
Adapted from a Shiur by Rabbi Ari Stauber When the lonely road gets crowded. Hachamim instituted a prayer, Tefillat HaDerech, to be recited by travelers for protection from the dangerous conditions inherent in travel. To say it, one must first be a traveler. A traveler is one who has departed his city. A person traveling within his city never says Tefillat … [Read more...]
Bal Tashchit – Do Not Waste, Part 1
Halachot of Daily Living Q: I heard that it is not Bal Tashchit to throw things away if it is not worth my time to reuse them. Bal Tashchit of time outweighs Bal Tashchit of wasting items. For example, at the end of a meal, may a caterer throw everything away, or must he salvage those items that can be saved (e.g. mustard, pickles) which could be very … [Read more...]
Introduction to Ribbit
Avissar Family Ribbit Initiative INTRODUCTION People will encounter many common Ribbit problems without ever realizing that they exist. Some may be questions of Ribbit D'Oraita which must be returned. Other times it can be D'Rabannan which one should be Mahmir (stringent) to return. In all cases they must be avoided. Hachamim are very stringent about any form of … [Read more...]