We are all aware of the Torah imperative to avoid even the smallest chance of danger regardless of the financial or physical cost or even if it involves the violation of a Mitzvah. Yet, we intuitively understand that the Torah allows us to drive in a car even though, in 2006, 1.42 people died for every 100 million miles driven. An analysis of some of the rationales for why … [Read more...]
Sephardic Halacha Journal for Parashat Toledot
Click below links to download PDF versions of our Halacha Journal: 2 PageVersion Toledot Print Version Print Full Print Version Toledot Full Print Version … [Read more...]
The Torah commands us to lend money to a fellow Jew in need. Since all Jews are brothers, we are commanded to extend this loan without charging interest. Charging interest on a loan may violate numerous Biblical and rabbinical prohibitions. All parties involved in the loan/transaction can also be in violation of the above transgression. Hence the borrower also transgresses the … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parashat Toledot
Maseches Menachos Daf 91: Daf 92: Daf 93: Daf 94: Daf 95: Daf 96: Daf 97: … [Read more...]
Do Not Waste – The Laws of Bal Tashchit, Part II
To what extent does Bal Tashchit apply to leftovers at the end of a meal? Can I throw away leftover bread? What about all the uneaten food that my children put on their plates? What about the leftover food in the pans? As noted in our previous segment, food that will not be eaten and no longer serves any purpose may be discarded. It therefore follows that food that was … [Read more...]