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Menachos: Dafim 98 - 104 Daf 98 Daf 99 Daf 100 Daf 101 Daf 102 Daf 103 Daf 104 … [Read more...]
Who is Borrower & Ribbit from a Non-Jew
The Avissar Family Ribbit Initiative 1. WHO IS CONSIDERED A BORROWER? Any time a Jew lends money to another Jew the laws of Ribbit will apply. The title “borrower” in Halacha is applied anytime a Jew borrows money or consumable commodities from another Jew. Furthermore, one who purchases merchandise on credit is also considered a borrower, and the seller – a lender. … [Read more...]
Tefillat Arvit: Laws & Concepts
A Parasha & Halacha Shiur for Parashat VaYetze by Rabbi Moshe Medresh “And [Yaakov] reached the place, and slept there, as the sun set…” The Gemara in Berachot brings a debate whether the Tefillot were instituted by the Avot or correspond the Korbanot. This verse, according to the Gemara, implies that Yaakov instituted Tefilla. The Gemara discusses the time of Arvit … [Read more...]
For You and Me?
The Halachic Background of the Immigration Controversy By Dayan Yitzhak Grossman; Dayan, Bet HaVaad Halacha Center With the recent Democratic takeover of Congress, the immigration controversy is once again heading toward a boil. While it is obviously impossible to find directly controlling precedents in the Halachic literature to such a complex and multifaceted … [Read more...]