What is the Mitzvah of Lehem Mishne (having two loaves of bread at the Shabbat meals)? The Gemara (Shabbat 117b) teaches that on Shabbat one is obligated to recite HaMotzi on two loaves of bread. This serves as a remembrance to the double portion of Man (manna) that fell every Friday during the forty years that the Children of Israel traveled through the desert. Although the … [Read more...]
The Avissar Family Ribbit Initiative
1. RIBBIS FROM A NON-JEW, PART 2 In our previous issue we spoke about Ribbit from a non-Jew from a Biblical standpoint. Nevertheless, Hachamim forbade lending to a non-Jew with Ribbit, if that Ribbit would’ve been classified as Ribbit D’Oraita. The reason for this decree is in order that we keep our distance and not learn from their way of life. There are however two … [Read more...]
Labor Law: Who Should Desecrate Shabbat at a Birth?
Highlights of a Parasha & Halacha Shiur by Rav Yehoshua Grunwald וַתֵּלֶד רָחֵל וַתְּקַשׁ בְּלִדְתָּהּ. And Rachel gave birth, and she had difficulty in her delivery. (Bereshit 35:16) If there is a need on Shabbat for lifesaving medical care that entails Hillul Shabbat, should one seek a non-Jew or a minor to perform the Melacha? The Shulhan Aruch (O.H. 328:12) … [Read more...]
Pennies on the Dollar
Debt Settlement in Halacha By Dayan Baruch Meir Levine We all take on too much. Often customers invest in their businesses with the hope that they will be able to advance only to find that the specific venture was not profitable and they are left with a pile of bills. Let us take the example of a customer who had fallen on hard times and had outstanding bills to the … [Read more...]
Mind Your Own Business! And When Not to
Are You Your Brother’s Keeper? Your naïve, young nephew is about to enter into a business venture that your experienced business acumen tells you is doomed to failure… Your elderly mother-in-law would do far better in a senior care facility, but she emotionally - and, in your opinion – foolishly refuses to be transferred… All of your well-intentioned words fall on … [Read more...]