Are All Security Measures Permitted On Shabbos? The terrible tragedy that occurred in Pittsburgh left us all with a sense that we are not as safe as we’d like to be. Many people seek to increase the security of our public institutions. To this end, it is important to delve into the Halachot that relate to security measures on Shabbat. Firearms On Shabbat: The act of … [Read more...]
Sephardic Halacha Journal for Parashat VaYishlah
Click below links to download PDF versions of our Halacha Journal: 2 Page Shul Version SHJ Vayeishev Print Print Full Print Version SHJ Vayeishev Full Print Version … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parashat VaYeshev
Maseches Chulin Daf 3 Daf 4 Daf 5 Daf 6 daf 7 Daf 8 Daf 9 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living: Weekly Questions
Why do we wash Netilat Yadayim before we eat bread? The requirement to wash one’s hands is rabbinical. The Kohanim were required to wash their hands to purify them before eating or handling Terumah (produce separated for the Kohanim). To ensure that Kohanim not overlook this practice, Hachamim required them, as well as all of Klal Yisrael, to wash their hands before eating … [Read more...]
The Avissar Family Ribbit Initiative
1. DELAYED PAYMENT If a store sets a price on an item, they may not charge more for credit. This is known as Agar Natar (charging for credit, a form of Ribbit). Many times, stores run sales with a two tier pricing system: the cheaper price for those who pay cash, and the higher price for those who buy on credit. An interest-bearing financing plan for a customer who purchased … [Read more...]