Meseches Chulin Daf 10 Daf 11 Daf 12 Daf 13 Daf 14 Daf 15 Daf 16 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living: Weekly Questions
Hanukkah FAQ’s Answered by Rabbi Moshe Pinchasi Q: Where should I light if I get married on Hanukkah? A: If the Huppa will take place after star-break, one would fulfill the obligation with the lighting of his parents. One should also light in one’s new home after the wedding, without a Beracha, to satisfy the opinions that the place where one sleeps and lives in the … [Read more...]
The Avissar Family Ribbit Initiative RIBBIT: MATTERS OF INTEREST
Greeting as a form of Ribbit & more 1. ONE TIME PENALTIES If the lender issues an interest-free loan but stipulates that there will be a one-time late fee if the loan is not satisfied by a certain date, one would not be subject to the classical Biblical Ribbit prohibition. There is however a rabbinical prohibition. Such an arrangement would be classified as Ha’arama … [Read more...]
An Outline of a Parasha & Halacha Shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald · The Minhag is to light Hanukkah candles in shul with a Beracha. The problem: · The Gemara states (Shabbat 21b) that the obligation is “Ner Ish U’Veto” (one candle for each household). How is the shul considered one’s house? · How can we recite a Beracha on a Minhag, to which … [Read more...]
Hanukkah Candles for a Person with Fear of Fire
Performing Mitzvot Under Duress Rabbi Micha Cohn [This post is for educational and enrichment purposes only; not a final Halachic decision.] An elderly woman lives alone. Years before, she had a fire in her home, and is still afraid of open fire. She always goes away for Shabbat to avoid lighting Shabbat candles at home. How about Hanukkah? What are her … [Read more...]