Gifts to the Lender Sending a gift to the lender as a token of appreciation has a different set of rules. If the gift is sent before the loan is repaid, it is considered Avak Ribbit. If however, the gift is sent after the loan has been repaid, it falls under the category of Ribbit Me’uheret (belated interest) and is subject to the following guidelines. If the borrower … [Read more...]
The financial obligation of honoring parents is on who? Rav Yechiel Biberfeld We find in this week’s Parasha praise for the ‘Tzedakah’ of Yosef for supporting his father, Yaakov Avinu, all the years in Mitzrayim. Was it a charitable act or his obligation as a son? · There is a debate if the costs of Kibbud Av are borne by the son or the father. · The … [Read more...]
The Aftermath of Emantic ‘E.J.’ Bradford’s Death
Are Police Above the Law? Rabbi Micha Cohn The recent death of Emantic ‘E.J.’ Bradford, resulting from a police officer’s shooting from behind, has once again raised much public concern over the use of excessive force by police. In this article we will examine if law enforcement officials have a dispensation for unintentionally causing death, and what the parameters … [Read more...]
Hosting Postings: Is Facebook Responsible for Its Content?
Adapted from the writings of Rav Ariel Ovadia Is a facilitator liable for the actions of others? People of the ‘book In the past 30 days, 3 out of every 10 people on the planet—some 2,227,000,000 souls—accessed their Facebook accounts. This is a staggering fact. On November 27, at the inaugural hearing of the “International Grand Committee on … [Read more...]
Sephardic Halacha Journal for Parashat Miketz
Click below links to download PDF versions of our Halacha Journal: 2 Page Shul Version Miketz Print Print Full Print Version Miketz Full Version Print … [Read more...]