By Dayan Benzion Sprei Q: As a property manager in the Central Jersey area, I came across a good deal on a bank owned (REO) 2-family rental property. Being that it was a “cash only” deal, I approached an investor and proposed partnering up with him for this investment. He liked the idea and after working out the details, we left off that he would go down and close the deal. A … [Read more...]
Stepping on the Gas: Is it Permitted to Increase Supply to Drive Down Prices?
Rav Micha Cohn One of the many practical ramifications of sanctions in the middle east relates to the price of crude oil. This drop or increase is attributed to many factors: increased U.S. production of oil, lower demand from a slower China and Europe, manipulation of the oil market by traders, and rhetoric from Saudi Arabia that it is not going to cut output. Indeed, … [Read more...]
Bais HaVaad Halacha Journal for Parshat Vayigash
Click below links to download PDF versions of our Halacha Journal: Print Full Print Version Vayigash Print Full Version 2 Page Shul Version Vayigash Print … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat VaYigash
Meseches Chulin Daf 17 Daf 18 Daf 19 Daf 20 Daf 21 Daf 22 Daf 23 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living: Weekly Questions
The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis This Column is dedicated in memory of: Rav Chaim Yisroel ben Reb Dov HaLevi Belsky, zt’l Senior OU Kosher Halachic Consultant from 1987-2016 Laws related to Yashan nowadays What do the terms Hadash flour or Yashan flour mean? The Torah (VaYikra 23:14) states that it is forbidden to eat the new year’s grains until … [Read more...]