Is there a bracha that should be recited on a hurricane? Maran, the Shulchan Aruch writes (OH 227:1) that on a exceptionally strong wind, one makes the beracha of "HaOseh Ma'aseh Bereshit" The Kaf HaChaim explains, in the name of the Birchei Yosef and other poskim, that on an extraordinary wind that is not heard all over the world, (presumably this means until … [Read more...]
Ribbit: Matters of Interest
Collateral /using a collateral phone If a lender was given collateral (a mashkon) by the borrower, such as a cellphone with unlimited minutes, may the lender make use of the collateral for himself, or would that be considered as extra payment and consequently present a ribbit problem? Maran, in the Shulchan Aruch (CM 72:1) rules that a lender … [Read more...]
Loan Remission (Shemitat Kesafim) In Our Times
By: Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman Maran, the Shulchan Aruch (CM 67:1) rules clearly, in accordance with the Rambam, that Shemitat Kesafim is an obligation, even in our times, albeit rabbinical. The Rama however mentions that the custom in Europe was to rely on the poskim that it is not an obligation, an opinion reiterated by modern day poskim such as HaRav Moshe Feinstein zt"l, … [Read more...]
Pet Peeve: Your Animal Damaged My Car
Hezek on the Safari Rav Yonoson Hool Let us begin with a story. Mr. Cohen is taking his family on a trip to the local safari park. He rides, uneventfully, with his family through the park. At one point Mr. Cohen gets out of his car to wash Netilat Yadaim so that he can eat his lunch. Mr. Cohen leaves the car door open and while he is out of the car a … [Read more...]
Cancelling a Playgroup
By: Rav Baruch Meir Levine This past year, right after Tu’bshvat, I signed up my daughter in a playgroup next to my home, for the coming school year. Now it turns out that we will be moving to a new neighborhood. After doing some research I found out that there is a playgroup for my daughter’s age on my new block … [Read more...]