HETER ISKA II There are two basic types of Heter Iska that are written today; one is a “Hatzi Milveh Hatzi Pikadon” (half loan/half investment) and the other is a “Kulo Pikadon” )all investment). As a rule, money for which the recipient takes responsibility, is considered a loan, while money he is not responsible for is viewed as an investment. In a half loan/half … [Read more...]
Content Theft: The Halachic Status of Intellectual Property Ownership
By: Dayan Dovid Grossman, shlit”a It is easy to understand why robbing a bank is forbidden by the Torah. Stealing money, food or merchandise are also obvious crimes. The item is in the owner’s possession, and the thief removes it for himself. The question of theft becomes less clear when discussing stealing ideas or copying information. One could (mistakenly) argue that … [Read more...]
Killer Be Killed: Should One Refuse To Save a Murderer?
Adapted from the writings of Rav Shmuel Honigwachs The Pittsburgh nurse speaks. I am The Jewish Nurse. Yes, that Jewish Nurse. The same one that people are talking about in the Pittsburgh shooting that left 11 dead. The trauma nurse in the ER that cared for Robert Bowers who yelled, "Death to all Jews," as he was wheeled into the hospital. The Jewish nurse who ran into … [Read more...]
Bais HaVaad Halacha Journal for Parshat Shemot
Click below links to download PDF versions of our Halacha Journal: Print Full Print Version Shemot Full Version Print 2 Page Shul Version Shemot Print … [Read more...]
Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Shemot
Meseches Chulin Daf 31 Daf 32 Daf 33 Daf 34 Daf 35 Daf 36 Daf 37 … [Read more...]