AREV: GUARANTEEING A LOAN (COSIGNERS) In certain instances, where a home buyer does not meet underwriting criteria, the bank may require a cosigner to guarantee the loan. The current practice of banks is to stipulate that they can collect from either the borrower or guarantor at their own discretion. Such a guarantor is referred to in Halacha as an “Arev Kablan” (equally … [Read more...]
The Hametz Index: Owning Shares of Companies Dealing in Hametz
A Parashat Beshalah Audio Shiur Summary by Dayan Shlomo Cohen We are not allowed to own any Hametz over Pessah. The custom in most communities today is to sell the Hametz in our possession to a non-Jew over Pessah. What happens if you own shares in companies that deal with Hametz? Let us explain how corporations work. According to law, a corporation is … [Read more...]
Taking Work Personal: Borrowing Office Supplies
Can an employee take office supplies or borrow the company projector for personal use? By: Dayan Dovid Grossman, Shlita, Rosh Bet HaVaad Using Office Supplies In a busy office, supplies and paper items have a way of coming and going. Paper clips, pens and staplers are lost and found within the full routine of office life. While some items may go missing as a … [Read more...]
The California Wildfires II: Who Is Responsible?
Part 2 Electrical Fire: In Part 1 of this series, we stated that if someone lights a fire in a way that it should technically have been stopped before reaching his friend’s property – for example, a wall separated the two fields – all opinions would agree that the fire has the status of Mamon HaMazik (damaging via one’s “property”, as opposed to damaging in person) and, … [Read more...]
Bais HaVaad Halacha Journal for Parshat Bo
Click below links to download PDF versions of our Halacha Journal: Print Full Print Version Bo Print Full Version 2 Page Shul Version Bo Print … [Read more...]