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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshat Tzav
Meseches Chulin Daf 115 Daf 116 Daf 117 Daf 118 Daf 119 Daf 120 Daf 121 … [Read more...]
Halachot of Daily Living
Are women obligated to recite one hundred Berachot daily? Many Poskim write that women are exempt from this Mitzvah. As evidence, the Shevet HaLevi (5:23) points out that the Rishonim who list the hundred Berachot recited each day include the Berachos that are recited on Tallit and Tefillin. Since women do not recite these Berachos, this would indicate that … [Read more...]
A Ride to a Wedding A few friends are seeking a ride to a wedding. If the driver happens to owe money to any of them, may he offer the lender a ride? May he give the lender preference over other people if there isn’t enough room for everyone? The driver is allowed to give the lender a ride, since he probably would have done so regardless of the loan. If he is not … [Read more...]
A Matter of Taste
Adapted from a Parasha & Halacha Shiur by Rav Yosef Greenwald on Parashat Tzav The Halacha is that forbidden food that is absorbed in a mixture forbids the entire mixture (within a set of rules and limitations). This rule is known as “Ta’am K’Ikar” – a taste is like the entity itself. Maran (Y.D. 98) follows many Rishonim who hold that this rule is MiD’Oraita. Rashi … [Read more...]