By Rav Moshe Pinchasi [1] Holding the Bread with a Napkin Q: Is one allowed to hold the bread with a napkin to avoid having to wash Netillat Yadaim? A: If one cannot easily find water for Netillat Yadaim, the Shulhan Aruch rules according to the Rambam and allows one to wrap his hands with a napkin to avoid touching the bread and not have to do Netillat … [Read more...]
Keeping it in the Family
May One Rescind a Hiring in Favor of a Relative? Rav Eliezer Cohen A business owner hired an individual for a certain job. Shortly thereafter, he discovered that a relative of his had moved to town and was looking for employment. He now wants to rescind the hiring and give the job to his relative. Is he permitted to terminate the man he just hired? Tar’omet – Grievances In … [Read more...]
Parashat Tazria-Metzora
TAZRIA-METZORA Moment of Truth: Revealing the Truth to an Adopted Child By Rabbi Yehoshua Sova … [Read more...]
Sefirat Ha’omer Q&A
By Rav Moshe Pinchasi [1] Counting Only Days If one only counted the days and not the weeks, one should count again without a Beracha. But if one forgot to count again and remembered only the following night – one may continue to count with a Beracha. [2] Counting Only Weeks If one only counted the weeks and not the days, if it is a complete week, such as on the … [Read more...]
Premature Reflections
Premature Babies in Halacha By Rav Ariel Ovadia The challenge of premature and congenitally ill infants has riddled humanity from the beginning of time, and until as recently as the turn of the 20th century premature babies stood little to no chance to survive. The pages of the Talmud and Poskim are rife with discussions of babies born in the eighth month and prior, or babies … [Read more...]